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Christianity Is About Kingdom Living

But when they believed Philip, as he proclaimed the good news about the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, both men and women were baptized.” Acts 8:12 CSB


Philip didn’t preach for people to be forgiven of their sins and to have the assurance of heaven with God, though that was included in the package of his message. Philip preached the kingdom of God and the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. This difference in preaching is why we appear today as a church much different from the church we read about in Acts. The kingdom of God is a comprehensive new way of living forever. The kingdom of God isn’t a prayer of salvation but a total surrender of a way of living that embraces an entirely new way of living, God’s way of living. This is why the Acts church did not argue about abortion or sexual promiscuity. They were kingdom people living under the rule forever of King Jesus. Jesus was not an additional belief to their life but the Lord over the community of their life. The kingdom of God is a community of the people of God under the rule of God the King. This community loves one another because God is love. This is why the Acts church could give to one another so generously, for they genuinely embraced the status of brother and sister under one Father. The Acts church was more unified because they were of one kingdom and had unity about the teachings of the King, for the Word of God was the source of God for knowing about and how to live in the kingdom of God. We need to bring people into the kingdom of God and not into belief about God. The kingdom of God is a community of the children of God living like the King because they have been ransomed, adopted, clothed, and reconciled as the people of God. They are not merely believers who continue to do whatever they will, thinking whatever they want. That is what the devil does, who also believes in God but will never enter the kingdom of God.


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