The Great Commission Is Our Mission If We Will Embrace It

“preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and teaching……But you, be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.” 2 Timothy 4:2, 5 LSB


Evangelism and discipleship are the ministry of every Christian we summarily call the Great Commission. This work is the assignment of the Church, God’s plan for building His kingdom upon the earth as it is in heaven. Every child of God has a role to play in the Father’s business if they will but show up, put up, and shut up to lift up the Name of Jesus before men. The work of the evangelist is to present the gospel to people so that they can hear the truth, repent, and walk in obedience to the truth, which is the work of God completed for humanity through the Son of God, Who loves us and will judge us for determining our eternal destiny. Discipleship is the process of growing ever more consistent in obedience to everything Jesus commanded. We need one another for reproving, rebuking, and exhorting to love and good deeds so that we stay on the narrow way that leads to life, for it is difficult, and few are upon it. The love and good deeds we are to do are those things that lead men to faith in Jesus and obedience to His commands. Evangelism and discipleship, the Great Commission, is our mission among all those God has placed in our lives, beginning with our families and extending to our cities, nation, and world. The harvest is plentiful. The workers are few. Blessed is the man whom God finds faithful at His work upon His return to collect His own.


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