The final book of the entire Bible reiterates God’s plan to hold each person accountable for what they have done while living on this earth.
While it is the work of Christ that saves men it is the work of men that proves Christ has worked in them.
The church has bought into the secular lie that knowing something is the same as doing that same thing. The people who believe in God but do nothing for God believe they will spend eternity with God.
While the thief who died with Jesus was promised heaven based upon his faith he too at least did one work before taking his final breath: he rebuked the thief who was mocking Jesus.
God has given us everything we need for producing great works for His glory upon the earth. He has given us the Scriptures to know Him, the Holy Spirit to be empowered by Him and one another for encouragement, accountability and multiplication of our efforts.
Thus we will be without excuse on that Day when He holds us accountable for our work or lack thereof that was done on His behalf.
What is the work of God?
People knowing Jesus as Savior and Lord and God the Father as their Maker and Sustainer of life.
The church is to go into the world and make disciples teaching everyone to obey Jesus even as we learn obedience from Him.
Few can identify any person or effort they have made toward bringing people to Jesus as Savior, thus putting to risk their heavenly reward.