When God lived with us as the Man Jesus, His predominant conflict with men was the religious leader’s addition to His commands which caused people to miss the heart of God.
Moses commanded Israel to neither add nor subtract from the commands of God, a command Jesus reminds His people in the last book of the Bible.
God takes very seriously our manipulation of His Word for it is His recorded Word that teaches us how we are to live and reveals to us the very character of God.
An example of addition to God’s teaching is a church condemning dancing of any kind within its building even weddings and daddy-daughter dances. Nowhere in Scripture does God condemn dancing but instead His beloved David danced with joy before Him.
A recent subtraction is the tolerance of homosexuality, a behavior clearly condemned but largely ignored by the church.
The Bible commands men to be diligent students of the scripture, workmen who will not be ashamed when they face God on judgment day and give account for how they lived and taught His Word.
The Lord Jesus called Himself the Word of God Who came not only to pardon men from their evil deeds but to teach men now to live lives pleasing to God.
Truly the commands of God are not burdensome but are the means for all of humanity to live healthy, joyful lives full of peace and prosperity.
Our propensity to add, subtract and ignore God’s Word is great and evident all around us but those who love God must diligently seek God through the Scriptures to personally know Him and to thoroughly obey Him.