What does it mean to be a wise and faithful servant of the Lord?
Wise, in the context of Jesus’ teaching in this chapter, means to understand the times and to be prepared for God’s return to earth in Jesus. This return signals the day of accountability for every person from all time when all will stand before God to be judged by their obedience to His commands.
The wise servant is the person who understands this day is coming and makes himself ready for that day by doing what God commands.
The faithful servant is the one doing what God requires when God returns in Jesus the Christ. Faithfulness is doing what is expected so that upon inspection one is found approved. Faithfulness is receiving God’s instruction and then obeying that instruction without further prodding or micro-managing. Faithfulness is doing today in obedience that which we expect to give account for in the future by faith. Faithfulness is doing today what we believe matters tomorrow.
Certainly Jesus has been a long time in returning – over 2000 years.
Many who claim to be Christians are unwise and unfaithful to the commands of God assuming they have another day, week, month and year to do the things that God requires of us.
God warns us all that we do not know the hour of His return so we should always be faithful and always assume His return is imminent.
Were all the Church to live this way it would no doubt be more fruitful in its work and more fervent in its mission.