Since God desires to live with people even as He now lives in people, His will is that we become like He is: holy in character and conduct.
God modeled this life for us when He lived with us in Jesus. Jesus is holy and Jesus was holy, perfectly obeying His Father on earth just as He is obeyed in heaven.
As disciples of Jesus, Christians are to purse holy living in conformity to the will of God.
How then do we align ourselves with the will of God that we might become holy as He is holy? Jesus taught us by word and deed how we must live.
First we must become diligent students of the Scriptures.
It is the Scripture that teaches us everything we need to know about the character and will of God for our lives. It is these Scriptures that Jesus lived not departing from the least of His commands recorded in them.
We are not prone to holiness by birth, we must be born again to become spiritually alive then we must feed our spiritual nature with the word of God until it becomes our primary food as it was for Jesus.
But knowing God and His will is not the same as doing God’s will. Satan knows God and His will but intentionally disobeys Him.
We must be doers of God’s word if we are to truly prove our allegiance to God.
Jesus came doing the will of His Father not just learning and talking about it.
Holiness is active not passive, it is the bringing of God’s kingdom to earth as it is in heaven.