The Protestant proclamation of salvation by grace alone and not by works, while true, has become salvation by grace alone; no works necessary.
Jesus warns in one of His most famous teachings that unless good fruit is produced by His people those people will not enter the kingdom of heaven.
This is true not because the works are measured for getting into heaven but because the works are measured for proving heaven was in the person.
Jesus came doing good the Scriptures teach, culminating in the sacrifice of His life for the sins of the world.
Jesus describes Himself as a servant, and servants do the will of their master, Who in Jesus’ case is the Father God. In the case of Jesus’ followers, also called servants, the Master is Jesus Whose will is to be done daily at the expense of our own personal agenda by taking-up our cross daily, denying ourselves and obeying the clear directives of Jesus.
Just as Jesus did not do His will but the will of His Father so too Christians are not to focus on their wants and desires but upon the will of God being done for the glory of God.
What is the will of God?
That every person come to know Jesus as Savior and surrender to Him as Lord which is why He commands His people to become laborers in His ripe harvest field by going into all the world and making disciples.
We must stop measuring our lives by our income, recreation and possessions but rather by the return of our investment of time, talent and treasure toward the winning of people to Jesus and their development into perfect obedience to His will.