Blessing Leads To Cursing When It Becomes Ignoring God

While you were feeling secure I gave you warning. But you said, “I refuse to listen to you.” That is the way you have acted from your earliest history onward. Indeed, you have never paid attention to me.” Jeremiah 22:21 NET


The hearts of the political and religious leaders of Israel were turned against God because of their blessings from God, resulting in their judgment by God, Who took away from them everything they loved. I fear this is the current state of this nation, and we are slowly imploding into greater moral, economic, and social destruction. Many of our political leaders are thieves and liars, denying God by their deeds and policies that make themselves rich at the expense of the people they govern. Nearly all our political leaders are multimillionaires though their salaries preclude such wealth. Their wealth results from their greed, leading them to corruption to enjoy their lives as they seem right. Likewise, our church leaders have become increasingly more interested in pleasing men than pleasing God, so the Scripture is compromised from the call to obey everything Jesus has commanded. The sheep, too, are lazy, so they do not know the Word of God but follow these blind guides into holes of darkness that will lead to the condemnation of all who deny God’s word by their deeds. The will of God is for the people of God to live as the Son of God Who served His God at the cost of His own life in total obedience to the word of God. This must be our objective too. Banding together as those who genuinely love Jesus and seek to please Him, we must study the Scriptures to obey those Scriptures and keep accountable those who teach those Scriptures so that we follow Jesus in Spirit and in Truth as He commands His followers to do.

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