Decisions That Lead To Success Or Failure "In the spring when kings march out to war, David sent Joab with his officers and all Israel. They destroyed the Ammonites and besieged Rabbah, but David remained in… "In the spring when kings march out to war, David sent Joab with his officers and all Israel. They destroyed the Ammonites and besieged Rabbah, but David remained in… “The mindset of the flesh is hostile to God because it does not submit to God’s law. Indeed, it is unable to do so. Those who are in the… ""Don't let your heart be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told… “The one who loves his life will lose it, and the one who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. If anyone serves me,… “About that time there was a major disturbance about the Way….You see and hear that not only in Ephesus, but in almost all of Asia, this man Paul has… “David had just said, “I guarded everything that belonged to this man in the wilderness for nothing. He was not missing anything, yet he paid me back evil for… “Samuel replied, “Don’t be afraid. Even though you have committed all this evil, don’t turn away from following the Lord. Instead, worship the Lord with all your heart. Don’t…
In the 1800s, manufacturing increasingly supplanted agriculture as the wellspring of American employment, and labor unions, which first appeared in the late 18th century, grew more prominent and vocal. They… “"If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters — yes, and even his own life — he cannot be my disciple.… “Lord, remember what has happened to us. Look, and see our disgrace! We have become orphans, fatherless; our mothers are widows. Slaves rule over us; no one rescues us…
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