“He will repay each one according to his works: eternal life to those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor, and immortality; but wrath and anger to those who are self-seeking and disobey the truth while obeying unrighteousness. There will be affliction and distress for every human being who does evil, first to the Jew, and also to the Greek; but glory, honor, and peace for everyone who does what is good, first to the Jew, and also to the Greek.” Romans 2:6-10 CSB https://bible.com/bible/1713/rom.2.6-10.CSB
Every judgment teaching in the New Testament is based upon the works of men, the performance of our lives in relationship to our obedience to God. This makes many nervous, for Christian doctrine is salvation by faith, not by works. It is the gift of God through grace. But God performed works to earn this salvation given to men by grace. Jesus had to obey the law of God perfectly to become the perfect sacrifice for all humanity, allowing Him to become the judge and Savior of all humanity. He alone will pardon or condemn all humanity for all eternity, depending upon their response to His work accomplished for our salvation. What is that response? It is the work of faith. It is the continuation of the works of Christ. Not dying upon a cross for the salvation of others but of abject obedience to the will of God, summarized by loving Him with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength and loving our neighbor as ourselves. These works must be evident in the lives of those who have placed their faith in the work of Christ, Who saved them. Without such works, there remains no evidence of faith. Without faith, it is impossible to please God. The culture reflects the poverty of effort at the majority of the church, failing to achieve its salvation with fear and trembling. The passivity of working everything as unto the glory of Jesus has resulted in a disobedient and defiant culture of God’s ways, ignorant of God’s commands. True Christianity is working diligently for the glory of God on earth as it is in heaven so that all people see these good works and praise His Name. True Christians are those saved by Christ’s work, demonstrated by working like Christ in this world.