Do you know your Bible?

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Matthew 22.29 observes you are deceived because you don’t know the Scriptures. Recently the Barna Group published some statistics showing the shift in Christian thinking in two areas of cultural controversy.

The first was over the legitimacy of homosexuality; their numbers indicated more Christians accept that lifestyle as normal now than they did ten years ago.

Second was over marriage and whether homosexuals should be allowed to do so. Again, Christians are increasing in their tolerance of this privilege as well.

The current culture promotes homosexuality hard and heavy through the media and the government education system.

One of the greatest sins a person can make today is to condemn homosexuality. Yet this is the posture of the Bible: that God abhors the practice of homosexuality and will send to hell all those who practice it without repenting of it and turning toward Him for deliverance from it.

The Bible teaches God created the institution of marriage between one man and one woman for several purposes not the least of which is for them to produce godly children: something the homosexual couple is entirely unable to do.

Too many Christians are more influence by the media and academia, both godless institutions bent on promoting the absence of God, rather than Biblical truth which has been given to us by God for knowing Him and obeying His will so that we can live lives pleasing to Him and enter into eternity with Him and all those who have loved God in this world.

If we would know God and live lives pleasing to him we must be diligent students of the Scripture.


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