James, the half brother of the Lord Jesus as human relationships are considered, continues to teach the Church that faith in Jesus as the Savior should have the effect of producing works that benefit men and glorify God.
Faith in God that has no benefit to God or man is useless but true faith in God will be useful to God for expanding His kingdom upon earth leading to the salvation of men.
There are three primary good works those with faith should be engaged by their time, talent and treasure.
First is the physical and spiritual well being of fellow disciples. Brothers and sisters of the faith are to be the first consideration by those in the faith for their physical welfare. If a man does not care for the needs of his own family he is worse than an infidel.
From its inception the church has sought to meet the physical needs of their poorer brethren.
Second the Lord Jesus commanded we pray and seek to be laborers in His ripe harvest. The Son of God came to seek and to save the lost. He trained disciples to become fishers of men.
If we are not somehow engaged in the work of seeing people come to eternal life in heaven we are not truly working our faith.
Finally the goal of our salvation is our transformation into the image of Jesus. Making disciples means teaching obedience to everything Jesus has commanded us.
The work of spiritual development among fellow followers is the normal activity of Christians meeting together. This work is not supposed to be limited by vocation but is to be the normal occupation of all those who love Jesus and obey His commands.