“I know that everything God does will be forever; there is nothing to add to it and there is nothing to take from it—God has so worked that men should fear Him. 15 That which is has been already and that which will be has already been, yet God seeks what is pursued.” (Eccl. 3:14 LSB)https://accordance.bible/link/read/LSB#Eccl._3:14
God’s work is eternal. This is good news as we prepare for Easter. The work He accomplished that we remembered yesterday, on Good Friday, the work of dying for the sins of all humanity for all time, done. This work cannot be added to nor taken away from. This is such good news for us because it means we cannot sin so greatly that He cannot pay for it, not from our birth to our death, can we, have we, committed a sin for which He did not suffer and die for upon the cross. It is dishonoring to God to try and add to His work on the cross or to diminish His work on the cross to think we must do more good than He did for us or that we have done too much bad that He could not pay for us. The work of God accomplished for us on the cross is finished and this work makes possible for us to be forgiven forever. When men pursue Him, today, God engages, making this past work current in our present. This good news accomplished two thousand years ago is new every day among every person who turns to God for the pardon of his sins against God. Likewise every child of God who works with God to help others reconcile to God find God with them working through them to accomplish by them this work of reconciliation to Him of men to God. The gospel is new every day when presented new to every person who has yet to receive this old work that transforms men from death to life, making them new creations in Christ Jesus our Lord.