The Lord Jesus prayed often, carving large blocks of time from His schedule to talk to His Father. This section of Scripture says He made both requests and supplications with loud cries and tears when He prayed.
The prayers of Jesus were the prayers of a faithful servant requesting assets and investment in order to fulfill his duty.
The prayers of Jesus were the reports to a Superior of the condition of the situation and the necessary provisions for correcting it.
The prayers of Jesus were not for the comfort or pleasure of Himself, things that would soon perish but powerful resources to be used through Him for making God known to men and for reconciling men to God.
These prayers were received, welcomed and responded to by God because they came from His faithful servant Whose object was not His own comfort and pleasure but God’s glory on the earth.
Jesus saw Himself as a servant of God, a sacrificial lamb for the salvation of the world and so His prayers reflected the necessary requirements for fulfilling God’s purpose on the earth.
Nearly all men pray but few are praying for God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Nearly all men pray but few are doing so while their hands are firmly fixed to the plow, eyes toward the fields, seeking God to bear much fruit in the ripe harvest before him.
If our prayers would be a delight to God and cause Him to move swiftly toward us then we must live as Jesus did servants of God with requests made not for ourselves but for the glory of God and the salvation of the world.