Whatever we do all is to be done for the glory of God and the furtherance of His Kingdom. All we do in our vocation, all we do as parents, all we do as children of God is to be for the glory of God upon the earth that all people might see our good deeds and praise our Father in heaven.
On that day when all people face God both for determining their eternal residence and for obtaining their eternal reward the Bible teaches that God will measure humanity based upon their relationship to Jesus Christ and their obedience to His commands.
The Church has done a poor job these past fifty years discipling its people in obedience to all Jesus commanded.
Too many Christians believe they have pleased God by believing in Him and attending Church once a week. The devil himself believes in God and how many churches contain his minions?
Regardless, God commanded repentance and obedience when He lived among us.
God wants us to work hard but for treasure in heaven not for treasure on earth. God wants men to use all their strength and all their talent for great works but works that glorify God and not for glorifying self.
The world desperately needs Christians seeking to do great things for the glory of God. Too much narcissism exists in the church today.
Christians are the people of God who live for the glory of God seeking the eternal welfare of all humanity.
Let us live lives pleasing to God that result in eternal reward.