First, is no response because His message is accompanied by spiritual forces of darkness working to keep people from properly responding to God when they hear of Him.
Second, is a response of joy that quickly fades as the difficulties of life cause people to abandon any hope or trust in God.
Third, are those described in our verse today, they like the message but do nothing with it.
The fourth groups responds to God by giving their lives to Him and use their lives to expand His kingdom and glory upon the earth as it is in heaven. The only group that will most assuredly be welcomed into heaven is the last group which is the ultimate purpose for God coming to earth and revealing Himself to people.
God wants people to live forever with Him so has given us His words and recorded His deeds to draw us to Himself that we might be reconciled to Him.
Those who respond to these recorded words and deeds properly will live with God forever.
Will the third group get to heaven?
So many Christians live in this category – worried about their problems, constantly trying to obtain financial security and always buying more and more stuff to make themselves happy.
This waste of time and treasure makes them unfruitful for God so will they get to heaven?
Why do so many wish to gamble with their eternal destiny?
Why not give everything we have and are to the building of God’s Kingdom and thus ensure a warm welcome into heaven?