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God Isn’t Going To Spank You To Make You Obey – You Must Choose

“Perhaps when the house of Judah hears about all the disaster I am planning to bring on them, each one of them will turn from his evil way. Then I will forgive their iniquity and their sin.”” Jeremiah 36:3 CSB


On the brink of utter disaster for Israel because of their disobedience, God still hopes they will repent and change so that He might refrain from the destruction He has orchestrated. The cycle of blessing, disobedience, rebuke, punishment, and restoration by God upon His people is over because Jesus, God Himself, came and died for the sins of humanity. The wrath of God was poured out upon the Son of God to make peace with God and man. Unlike children whose good parents discipline them with the rod to develop proper behavior until they are free from doing something harmful to them, we no longer experience the wrath of God for correcting us to the ways of God. The word of God still rebukes the sinner, and the Spirit of God convicts of sin that person who seeks God with all their heart, but most ignore God, remain disobedient to the ways of God, and suffer nothing for their rebellion against God. There is a second outpouring of God’s wrath upon the sins of humanity. It comes when we die and meet the Judge of all people Who will measure us by the standard of Himself revealed through His Word, which none of us can meet by our own efforts. Those who failed to be pardoned on earth shall be condemned for eternity. The wrath of God remains upon all those who have failed to make peace with God in this life through the Lord Jesus Christ. Those who are in Christ must pray for people to receive the word we must then share with them that comes from the mouth of God to reconcile people to Himself today before He returns tomorrow or we go to see Him. God still desires all people to be saved, which is why He delays His coming, but woe to the person who remains obstinate and stubborn toward God all his days.

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