God’s Purpose in Creation

Isaiah 45:18 declares God made the world to be lived in, not to be an empty chaos.image

While the heavens are populated with angels and other strange creatures the earth, God choose, to have populated by man himself. God only created two from which all of humanity would descend through arguably the most pleasurable process known to men (perhaps not so much for woman, certainly not at its conclusion).

As God is the Creator and Maker of all things visible and invisible so He choose to make people in His image and therefore we are co-creators with God of the lives of people who will live eternally with God in His heaven. Think of that! God is depending upon people to both procreate so that He has children in His heaven and to convert the rebellious to followers of Jesus in order to populate forever His eternal home.

What a tremendous responsibility placed upon people and the Church in particular.

This is why God hates both the murder of the unborn and divorce for they both lead to fewer people and fewer people in heaven. While God may choose to redeem the aborted, we cannot know this for sure, God does declare that His purpose for marriage is the raising of godly children (Malachi 2).

This too explains why those who practice homosexuality are an abomination to God for they do not focus on the will of God but their own perverted pleasure.

God, for His part, has supplied all we need on this earth for accomplishing His purpose. The earth will yield enough to feed us and clothe us if we care for it correctly.

Yet the current world, though not empty, borders on chaos. This chaos is a result of the denial of the One True God and disobedience to His command to love our neighbor as we love our self.

The problem with God is He believes Himself to be God and the problem with men is they too believe themselves to be god. There is only one God, the God Who has revealed Himself through the Judeo/Christian Bible and in person through Jesus Christ Who is also the Savior of the world. All of the other religions paint a picture of god who is nothing like the One True God, their requirements for salvation burden and divide humanity.

The One True God requires no works from men for salvation for we are incapable of living such perfect lives to please a perfect God.

The One True God requires repentance of our evil, trust in the works of Jesus alone for our salvation, and the living of lives in love for our fellow man as proof of our love for God.

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