Most people, including many Christians, have bought into the secular belief that people are born good but their environment causes people to go bad.
This belief extrapolated to getting into heaven means people believe they are going to heaven by default unless they did something really bad for which they would be sent to hell.
This is not the Biblical view and it is God’s view that ultimately determines who goes to heaven or hell.
God has a book that lists all of those who live with Him forever. This book has blank pages until people reconcile to God through Jesus Christ, then God, Who is now known by these same people, records them into His book.
The book is similar to a guest list where the ultimate party is going to occur and only those known to the host will be allowed into the party. We obtain ‘guest’ status by having a relationship with the Host of heaven.
The Bible tells the story of how every person is born ignorant of God, always disobeying Him and constantly pursuing their own selfish interests.
Some however come to a place where they begin to seek God, to want to know God and eventually enter into a relationship with God. This relationship is made possible by God through Jesus Christ.
Jesus must be sought, Jesus must be reconciled with and Jesus must be obeyed if we are to have a relationship with God and be listed among those who will live forever with Him.
The party to come is for those who know God and love Him having had a relationship with Him through Jesus Christ.
Heaven is not the privilege of everyone because of birth but is reserved for those who know God and have loved Him on earth until they meet Him for all eternity where they will celebrate Him with all those who have also known and loved God.