Men love the reward of hard work. We seek the recognition of others from the effort we made at the task at hand.
Whether the marketplace or the athletic field or anything at all, those who work hard at something look forward to the payment for their efforts.
This is true because we were made this way by God: it is part of the system He created when He made men to rule the earth.
Where things have gone awry is in the purpose for which we work and from whom we seek recognition for our hard work. Most work for their own glory and to be approved by men.
We measure success by titles, treasure and trophies. All of our effort and all the praise we seek centers upon ourselves. This is sin which causes us to miss the mark of our true nature keeping us a prisoner of self-absorption.
We were made to glorify God and to work toward His purposes in the world in order to receive His reward.
We are to do great works and to seek eternal glory but not from men but from God.
God rewards the person who surrenders their self-interest in order to pursue wholeheartedly God’s interest. God honors the person both in this world and in the next who is not self-absorbed but God absorbed.
The pursuit of glory and honor is not wrong in itself but when its end is self instead of God. All glory belongs to God and He gives to men glory as they give themselves to His glory.
Working hard for the glory of God will lead to eternal life from God.
The question is whose glory are we working for, ours or God’s?