The people of God are to reflect the character and nature of God. The Bible puts it this way, we are to be holy as God is holy.
Often the attempt to be like God has resulted in a stiff religion, a legalism, that makes experiencing God or attracting others to Him all but impossible.
Think of the current state of Islam, is there anything attractive about that religion at all? If it weren’t for the coercion it inflicted upon the masses where it resides it wouldn’t exist. They murder, rape and destroy in an attempt to cleanse the world and be holy. This barbarous religion is devil made not God made and in no way reflects the true holiness of God.
At times, Christianity hasn’t looked much better. While not as barbaric perhaps rules like no dancing, no smoking, no movies and the like have not reflected God’s holiness and have been a detriment to people understanding and knowing the One True God.
Still, no detestable thing is to be brought into our homes and we are to be holy as God is holy. So what does this mean?
In the current culture which has drifted so far from traditional Christian morality it is imperative Christians work extra hard at guarding their hearts from the things of this world.
The best way to do this is not by ‘not’ doing things but by saturating our minds with God’s Word the Bible. The more we can absorb the Word of God the greater resource the Spirit of God has to work with us to help us both do and not do the things that please or displease God.
Christians are to be led by the Spirit of God Who has come to glorify God by conforming men into the likeness of God. Jesus was perfectly obedient to God so our conforming into the image of God occurs as we obey God.
The Word of God reveals the will of God that is to be obeyed. It is the Spirit of God that takes the will of God and makes it practical in our everyday lives.
The more we fill our hearts and minds with the Word of God the easier it will be for us to know what to do and what not to do to please God. The result will be that we become friends of sinners without sinning just like Jesus the Savior.