The world finds the wisdom of God foolish and because the Spirit of God is not in the worldly they cannot believe the wisdom of God.
What is the wisdom of God?
Among this teaching would be that all things were created by God for God. Evolution denies God whereas creation glorifies God. Evolution is the origin of life story among those who deny the existence of God yet many Christians who wish to appear learned agree with this godless teaching.
Those who prefer science over Scripture struggle to accept the rest of God’s wisdom.
Second, is the teaching that Jesus Christ is God Who lived as a man, was crucified, rose from the dead and will alone return to Judge all humanity for determining their eternal dwelling whether heaven or hell. Worldly wisdom proclaims all religions are the same; all roads lead to heaven; and flatly rejects the reality of hell. This teaching belittles the sacrifice of God in Jesus and denies the deity of Jesus.
Jesus is the only religious leader Who claims to be God, accepting or rejecting this wisdom from God is the determining factor for acceptance or rejection by God.
Third, is the teaching that while humanity was created good originally, we are now born broken and in need of God’s pardon from birth. Worldly wisdom blames the environment for humanity’s evil deeds but God declares we are born inclined to do evil. A two year old proves God’s point but many choose to reject God’s truth in order to believe a popular lie.
Before whom do we choose to appear wise, God or man?