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If You Are A Child of God Then You Must Live As A Preist Before God

““This is what the Lord says: If you can break my covenant with the day and my covenant with the night so that day and night cease to come at their regular time, then also my covenant with my servant David may be broken. If that could happen, then he would not have a son reigning on his throne and the Levitical priests would not be my ministers. Even as the stars of heaven cannot be counted, and the sand of the sea cannot be measured, so too I will make innumerable the descendants of my servant David and the Levites who minister to me.”” Jeremiah 33:20-22 CSB


This Scripture has been fulfilled by the Lord Jesus, and His New Covenant was established by His blood. Though it is not complete, it is fulfilled. It is fulfilled in that Jesus is the ‘son’ of David, Who reigns forever because He is the Son of God. Entering earth through a woman to be fully man, He came from the lineage of David, and now He has returned to make intercession for everyone who will live with God forever in His eternal kingdom. All those who will live with God are children and priests of God to minister before Him with lives that are a constant sacrifice of praise. From the beginning, we were created for God to serve God, and in the kingdom to come, we will finally fulfill this destiny, no longer living rebellious lives against God. Everything we do in His kingdom will be in accordance with His will and for His glory, bringing us great joy and health. Pleasing Him, Who is good, results in goodness overflowing into our lives bringing them peace and joy. Today, we are to live as priests of God by making Him known in the world that still rebels and rejects Him. Those who are truly children of God now labor as children of God by sharing the gospel with everyone, for it is the power of salvation for everyone who believes. Likewise, we build one another up in our most holy faith, encouraging and equipping one another to obey everything Jesus commands. In this way, as faithful children of God living as servants of God, we build the kingdom of God in breadth and depth to the glory of God until we all live forever with God.

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