Little angers a man more than for his reputation to be maligned publicly. It is inherent to a man’s nature to protect his good name in public.
Man is created in the image of God so we reflect His image when our name is maligned and we become angry and seek revenge. God too becomes angry when His Name is maligned among the nations.
God’s reputation is dependent upon the people who claim to be His children.
When the words and deeds of those who supposedly know God, defame His reputation before those still questioning God’s reality, this causes God to become angry with His people. Therefore God is angered when so called Christians live unholy and ungodly lives failing to demonstrate His love, compassion, kindness and holiness toward others.
In the same way God delights in His people who obey His commands, who are honest and just doing what is right and good to everyone as often as possible.
God does not make personal appearances too often in the world, instead He allows His people to make Him known. God desires all people in all places to love Him and to obey His commands.
The people of God are to live in such a way that everyone is attracted to the goodness, righteousness and love of God.
Failure to make God look good in the world by God’s people is to sin against God Who will one day bring us to account for how we honored His reputation in the world – or didn’t!