Most Christians would like to hear God say, ‘this person is one after My own heart.’
Christians want God to be pleased with them and to think well of them, after all, it is God we are talking about and before Whom we will all one day meet face to face and give an account of our lives. King David was such a person of whom God declared understood and acted in accordance with His heart.
What does this mean really to be a person who is after the heart of God?
God declares that it is that person who does everything He commands.
Jesus Who lived in perfect obedience to the Father, never having sinned in thought, word or deed, heard from heaven more than once that His Father found Him to be a beloved Son in Whom God was well pleased. These words were spoken by God as He was delighted by the obedience of His Son.
Jesus tells a story of three men who were entrusted with certain talents and upon their day of accounting were either awarded or condemned based upon their obedience to His instructions. The two who were faithful heard their master say, ‘well done my good and faithful servants, enter into the joy of your master.’
Most people think they are good people and that God will accept them because compared to everyone else they are at least average or slightly above in the goodness category.
But who defines this goodness? Usually the people assessing themselves.
However, God will define us by our obedience to His commands not by the standard we develop on our own.
For us to hear God say, ‘well done’ we must both know His will and then obey His will. God has left us the Scriptures for knowing His commands, He has given us the Holy Spirit for empowering us to obey those commands the only thing remaining is our will to obey His commands.