The psalmist asks the question who may live with God in His holy habitation? The psalmist then lists the character qualities of the person who will dwell in the house of God. One of those qualities is that the person of God despises the morally bankrupt, the person who cares nothing for good or the ways of God.
Our culture and so many Christians because they are influenced more by the culture than God’s Word, promotes the reprobate by esteeming the gangsta and the immoral, the person who does whatever he pleases without regard for God or neighbor.
Christian parents allow their sons to wear their pants hung low, their hats tilted sideways and to listen to music encouraging illicit sex, abuse of drugs and alcohol and the engagement of rape, murder and theft.
What is it about the gangsta that we should esteem?
The gangsta is a thug, a reprobate, a morally bankrupt person who does nothing of value for society. The gangsta does not give generously; he does not clothe the naked, feed the hungry, help the sick or honor his parents. He does not work to give back to society rather he partners with his father the devil to steal, kill and destroy.
How is it then that so many Christians seek to look, speak and act like the gangsta they see promoted on MTV?
Christian parents must both model the good and promote the godly in their home encouraging their sons and daughters to love what is good and to emulate what is pleasing to God so that together, forever, they may live in the house of the Lord.