Living under God’s Protection

Isaiah 7:9 If you want Me to protect you, you must learn to believe what I say.image

For all of the things that go wrong, there is God. For everything that goes right, there is me! That’s how we live it seems.

The sovereignty of God is supposed to make my life go well after all He is all-powerful, all knowing, and abounding in love and I of course am a good and decent fellow deserving of God’s best.

We want God’s divine intervention in our lives to keep us cancer free, employed, out of debt and relationally happy.

We don’t want him telling us how to spend our money, where to spend our time or how to manage our lives.

It doesn’t work this way, either for us or for God. Israel tried living this duplicitous life and it didn’t work for them Israel.

If there really is a God, doesn’t it make sense He would require our absolute loyalty?

He does by commanding we love Him with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength. God is holy so takes our holiness seriously.

Holiness is the requirement for hanging out with God.

The blood of Jesus appropriated to the seeker of God’s pardon makes them holy but obedience to God maintains our holiness.

God is love so He patiently waits for people to repent before He meets out His consequences for humanity’s disregard for Him and His ways.

If we would know God and thus know His presence which is our protection, we must seek a holy life, a life of absolute obedience to the ways and will of God.

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