This is a very simple thing really, something every person in Christ can do from the wealthy to the poor, from the wise to the ignorant, from the healthy to the sickly, whether male or female, black or white, old or young all can serve Jesus.
However it is not easy to serve Jesus because we must overcome our sinful, self-centered thinking, feeling and living.
In addition we must humble ourselves before God and embrace His definition of service and not our own or as Jesus said, unless we remain in Him we cannot bear fruit.
Some Christians think they are serving God but they are not; they do some good works and give some money to Christian causes but they are not being led by God or sacrificing for the cause of Christ and so are not really serving Jesus at all. Jesus warned such people when He described their good deeds but rebuked them for not obeying His commands.
So what does it take to serve Jesus?
First it takes knowing Him. As Jesus did nothing except what He saw His Father doing so too we must look earnestly at Him for direction and empowerment.
This will require Bible study and prayer for the work of God is not to be accomplished through human reason or strength but by the Spirit for the glory of God.
Second, serving Jesus will involve moving people from darkness to light and from infancy to maturity.
The work of God is the reconciliation of the world to God through Jesus Christ. Service to God will engage people for their spiritual benefit which is more important by far than their physical needs though these will not be ignored.