Working for Treasure
Matthew 6.20 commands that we accumulate for ourselves treasure in heaven. God does not have a problem with people pursuing wealth; He has a problem with people pursuing the wrong…
Matthew 6.20 commands that we accumulate for ourselves treasure in heaven. God does not have a problem with people pursuing wealth; He has a problem with people pursuing the wrong…
Deuteronomy 29.29 says God knows the secret things but shows us what we need to accomplish for Him. God knows everything. God tells us everything we need to know in…
Deuteronomy 22.3 commands we not refuse to get involved. The Lord commands those who love Him to help those who are in distress. When a person loses something or is…
Revelation 22.12 promises My reward is with Me to pay each one according to what He has done. Faith without works is dead taught Jesus’ half-brother James. The final book…
Isaiah 51.13 asks why do you forget the Lord Who made you? The Lord God Almighty, the Maker of all humanity and the Judge of all people had a problem…
Revelation 20.15 teaches that if anyone’s name was not found in the book of life that person was thrown into the lake of fire. Most people, including many Christians, have…
Deuteronomy 19.9 summarizes God’s requirements of people: love Him and walk forever in His ways. Think how simple what God requires from us really is, love Him and obey Him.…
Isaiah 45.6 records there is no God but Me; I am the Lord, I have no peer. Political correctness and its sister ‘tolerance,’ have so permeated society that many who…
Isaiah 44.21 records you are My servant, I formed you to be My servant. The primary role of a Christian is to serve God. God is the Maker, Creator, Sustainer…
Deuteronomy 15.9 warns against a wrong attitude toward your poor brother. Admittedly I struggle with a bad attitude toward those who stand on corners asking for money.It seems like a…
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