What does it mean to love God?
Jesus said those who love Him would obey His commands.
What commands are we to obey? The commands to love Him first and foremost and to love others as we love ourselves.
This circular reasoning is not helpful for practically knowing what to do to please God but perhaps can be illustrated through the marriage covenant.
What is a spouse to do toward their spouse? Love them.
How do we love our spouse? While there are not the ten things we must do to love our spouse we know that we must be faithful to them first and foremost. Love is loyal. In addition, we must be kind, respectful, helpful, gentle and generous to name just a few things that ensure a loving relationship. The doing of these things cannot be specifically defined but context determines how they are applied.
Loving God is similar to loving our spouse.
We must be faithful to God, not loving anything or anyone more than Him. This will be demonstrated by the time we spend with Him and the care we take to please Him.
If we are doing little to nothing to demonstrate our love for God can we say we truly love God?
God is best loved when His love is being demonstrated through us to others.
What is God love? It is love expressed as sacrifice and service toward others regardless of cost to ourselves.
God demonstrated this kind of love by sending His Son to give His life as a sacrifice for sins.
If we love God we will love others as He loves us.