The work of God in us is a process culminating into the full transformation of all of His children into the image of His First Born Son, the Lord Jesus. The work of God toward humanity has always been a process.
It began with the man Abraham, continued with Moses, reached its zenith with David then began anew with God Himself in Jesus and is now proclaimed through the Church. Salvation is not a one-time event that begins and ends on some particular day.
While there is a day of beginning the work continues until we are fully transformed into the image of Jesus.
There is a day when we marry but marriage is a life-long process if we will remain happy and faithful to the end. There is a day when we are born but raising children is a life-long process if we are to develop happy and healthy adults in this world.
There is a day we realize we must follow Jesus as our Savior and Lord and begin the life-long process of obedience to His will.
Those who walk this road of daily pursuit of Jesus and obedience to His commands are being sanctified or formed into the image of Jesus and are working-out their salvation which started the hour they first believed.
If we are not in process then we have no reason to believe we are truly saved.
We can believe anything but our consistent words and deeds reveal our true nature, our true love and our true commitments.
True salvation is a process of being transformed into the image of Jesus evidence of which should be increasingly more visible to us, to others and to God.