The Scripture has many names for the people of God including aliens and strangers in the world. Though our God has left us in this world He commanded that we not be of the world. The beloved Apostle John describes worldliness as loving what our eyes see, what our hearts want and boasting of our accomplishments. Too many Christians are living worldly lives.
They seek to appease those around them wanting their favorable opinion in order to be received well either personally or financially through their business. This desire to be of the world has resulted in tremendous compromise with God’s word for transforming the world through the evangelism and discipleship of every one in the world, the work of every Christian regardless of their vocation.
The proof of this reality is in the lack of time most Christians spend reading, studying and applying the word of God to their life. Most do not delight themselves in the Scriptures, meditating on it’s application to their life both day and night. They are too busy and too worldly to consider God’s ways which are both superior and different from those of the world.
Our current cultural chaos is the result of Christian men failing to use their influence for Christ in the marketplace, the university and in the government. We must repent, turn from our wicked ways and seek the Lord fervently through the Scriptures and then work diligently through prayer and witness to see all men live in obedience to Jesus Christ.