Daniel was a great man of God because he earnestly sought God through prayer and obedience. Daniel searched the Scriptures to know what God required and what God was planning.
This pursuit of God first caused God to rejoice greatly in Daniel and then to reveal much to Daniel.
When God or His angel encountered Daniel, Daniel was not exalted nor glorified despite being told how much he was greatly loved.
Rather when holy messengers appeared to Daniel he was made less in appearance for their appearance was so brilliant. Daniel had no problem with his radiance being as nothing while standing in the presence of Him Whose appearance was like lightning.
Daniel well understood he was a man and that God and His angels are greater beings.
The purpose of man is to glorify God, it is not God’s purpose to glorify man.
Some in the Church think and proclaim that God is in the business of making men great.
God is actually in the business of restoring His greatness upon the earth which is currently full of rebellious men and angels. Men do become greater as they humble themselves before God and engage His work on the earth.
Man’s greatness is in his transformation into the image of Jesus and not in any self promotion.
God is to be worshiped and glorified among men; He does not worship or glorify man.
In our world where we raise children to believe the universe revolves around them we struggle to humble ourselves in order to worship God but God would be less than God if He required anything less than our complete adoration of Him.