God will judge all men for the deeds, words and thoughts they have done and not done according to His will and commands.
The children of God will receive their reward for their actions in accordance to their faithfulness while those who rejected God in Jesus will be condemned by God to suffer torment forever.
Those who claim to be children of God, who have received God’s grace through Jesus the Christ, must demonstrate God’s salvation through their lives by good works.
If the work of God has truly occurred within the heart and mind of a person that person will now demonstrate that work to others. This work will consist of service, generosity and diligence to encourage all people everywhere to repent and obey Jesus Who is God made human.
Christians who do little or nothing for God have received the grace of God in vain.
The Christian is the person who no longer lives for themselves and their agenda but has surrendered their lives to the will and glory of God.
True Christians live as Jesus did, seeking first the will of God and giving themselves fully to obeying His will.
The will of God is for all people to be reconciled to Him through Jesus the Savior. The children of God work with all their strength to see as many people reconciled to God as possible.
This work of reconciliation takes our time, talent and treasure all of which must be given to God for His service if the grace of God within us is not to be received in vain.