Just as we are born in the image of Adam so those born again of God are to bear the image of Jesus.
It is natural for us to look like Adam as people beget people but so too it should be as natural for the Christian, as the supernatural exists within them, to look like Jesus. Those who have been born of the Spirit should naturally bear the fruit or evidence of the Spirit.
Those who have been born from above should naturally reflect the thinking and behaving that comes from above. There is too little evidence within the Church today that its members are sons and daughters of God.
The Man Who comes from heaven showed us how to live on earth.
The Man from heaven rejected the trappings of wealth and power on earth but sought instead treasure in heaven where His position is truly recognized. Certainly the Man from heaven demonstrated His power on earth but He lived as a humble servant committed to doing not His own will but the will of His Father Who also is in heaven.
So too those born of the Spirit will seek the treasure of heaven while working for the welfare of humanity whose greatest need is their personal reconciliation with God.
If we would bear the image of Jesus, the Man from heaven, we must know Him deeply. This knowledge comes from seeking Him diligently through the Scriptures and prayer then obeying Him passionately in everything we do and say.
As we increase in our obedience so too His image will become increasingly easier for others to see which is the desire of our heavenly Father Who desires all people to become transformed into the image of His First Born Son Jesus the Lord.
Oops! Good point, but we “bear” God’s image, not “bare” it.
thanks for helping my poor English grammar