Why Is Righteous Living Important?

“Is it of any special benefit to the Almighty that you should be righteous, or is it any gain to him that you make your ways blameless?” Job 22:3 NET https://bible.com/bible/107/job.22.3.NET


The question infers that God does not benefit when we are righteous or good but that we benefit when we are righteous and good because it is by being so that causes God to bless us. The friends of Job argued his suffering resulted from his sin and that his solution was to do good to obey God, then he would be restored to health because he would receive God’s blessings. Job argued that he had not sinned but was suffering calamity for no apparent reason. Job suffered because he was a righteous man because it does matter in the heavenlies that we live righteous lives. God is honored among the host of heaven when we live in obedience to Him. God is glorified when we honor Him before the host of heaven by worshiping Him in Spirit and in Truth. It was satan’s lie to God that no one obeyed God that Job was chosen to demonstrate to satan that righteousness is not a result of the blessings of God but from love for God. This is critical for us to understand. Our love for God drives our righteousness and our willingness to obey God. We do not obey God to receive blessings, though there are many simply from doing what is right. God is free to do as He pleases with those who love Him, further glorifying His Name upon heaven and earth. Some will be set on fire to burn their love for God brightly so that the world stands amazed and is drawn to Him. Most of us simply love God daily by doing His will, creating no audience but the praise of the One Who is honored in heaven and earth when we merely love Him with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength because He is good, He is worthy, and He is God and not us.

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