Proverbs 28.1 describes the righteous (being) as bold as a lion.
When we think of courage we think of near death experiences where some type of threat is about to take our lives but we somehow fight, resist or escape to avoid the intended result. We also think of those who went into such an event knowing they probably would not return and many didn’t. Our soldiers live in this category as do Christians who remain in hostile countries.
Certainly these are accurate descriptions of courage but maybe there is a more mundane description that all of us can and should embrace if we are going to live courageously.
God often told His people to be courageous in the midst of overwhelming odds against them. While the Bible never says, ‘courage is…’ I believe it describes courage as being the fear of God over the fear of man.
Christian courage is fearing God, being more concerned with God’s attitude and thoughts toward us, than we are with what people will think or respond to us if we choose to obey God. This failure to live courageously is why there is so much compromise in the Christian life and therefore so little difference in conduct between the Christian and the nonChristian in the marketplace.
The enemy of God is the great antagonist toward the word of God because the word of God is ultimate truth which will expose the lies often repeated by the enemy of God. The enemy tells the American Christian they must not mention God in the workplace, the university or the government office.
In fearing man’s opinion and possible scorn, the American Christian keeps their faith to themselves. They have a belief in God that makes no difference in their life, at least the life they live most of the day.
There is no law against speaking about God in the marketplace, the university or the government building just an unspoken pressure to keep quiet. This pressure is not from God.
Being courageous as a Christian means espousing God’s will both in word and deed all of the time. Christianity is not a private religion. Christianity is a personal relationship with a living God Whose Name is Father. Courage is not being ashamed of Him Who has adopted us in the Name of Jesus the Son of God.
Courage is living differently and speaking differently when everyone else is following a path or espousing a plan that is the antithesis of the will or character of God. It takes courage to stand with God for truth and righteousness.
American Christians have almost a daily opportunity to be courageous in the workplace, the university and the government office. God says we are bold as a lion because He lives within us, are we?