We have twisted His teaching about a mansion in the sky. The mansion is God’s not ours and we are but residents in His mansion not owners of individual mansions.
This picture Jesus paints is one of family living together in the same house where the love, joy, peace, protection and provision of the Father reigns and where the children dwell without fear, worry or concern but in contentment with great peace and joy.
Heaven is where the people of God will live in the very physical presence of God seeing and enjoying Him and all those who love Him.
Heaven is where the diversity of men is melded into one peaceful family where distinction is irrelevant for everyone is focused upon the Father and not on the self.
Heaven is synonymous with family; a healthy, wholesome, loving family where the Father is a adored and the siblings are greatly appreciated.
Heaven is where the pettiness of men that defines us now and causes us conflict today is foreign and absent for our individuality will be subordinate to our unity.
Heaven is where we truly live as children of God in all His glory, splendor and wealth.
No child of God will be ashamed neither will they consider themselves poorer than any other for each will dwell with the Father in His house having all the rights and privileges as the Firstborn Son.
While this is the picture of the future the Lord Jesus desires His people to begin even now to recognize, love and serve all those who claim Jesus as Savior as their beloved brethren until we all reach home in our Father’s house.