Are You A Good Soldier For Christ?

And we urge you, brothers, admonish the unruly, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with everyone.” 1 Thessalonians 5:14 LSB


The unruly in this verse refers to military personnel who fail to perform or even show up for duty. The unruly are poor soldiers. These unruly have been commissioned but are not obedient to fulfill their assignment for which they have been conscripted. To them, Paul’s commands remind them of their duty and responsibility to get back to it lest, in the end, they find themselves outside the very people they thought they were living among. What does that have to do with us? We are the Lord’s army, His workforce, purchased by the blood of Jesus, commissioned to make disciples on the earth, teaching all people to obey everything Jesus commanded. How are we doing? Are we showing up among the unbelieving to convince them they must repent or perish? Are we encouraging those walking with Jesus to do so more and more even as we demonstrate a greater zeal for Him and obedience to Him? Is our uniform on? The righteous robe of Christ given to us at our salvation should be so bright and clean that all who see us see Him, Who loves us and died for us, so that we can live forever together with Him. Paul often uses the military analogy to describe the Christian life. The military man is disciplined, focused, and connected to others, all working toward the same goal. Are we living like we are in the Lord’s army?

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