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Assessing Our Christian Faith

“He answered, “It is written: Man must not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God…….” Then Jesus told him, “Go away, Satan! For it is written: Worship the Lord your God, and serve only him.”” Matthew 4:4, 10 CSB


Why is it so hard for people to spend time with God reading His Word, praying to Him His will, and meditating on obedience to Him? Because we add God to our lives, He is not the purpose of our lives. When God is an addition, we may read His word a couple of times a week quickly, incoherently, informationally rather than transformationally. Do we pray that He will be done on earth as it is in heaven, even as we work out the answer to that prayer with fear and trembling? God has said we must live according to His word. No one forgot to eat yesterday, but most Christians forgot to eat from God’s word. These same Christians did not forget to go to work either. Why do we go to work? To earn money to pay our bills is a good thing, and to give to those in need. If we work for more power or to accumulate the better things in this life, we position ourselves on the fence of worshipping mammon more than God. Our time and devotion of talent, thoughts, and emotional energy reveal our true love and greatest desires. Is it God’s glory on earth as in heaven, or is it something else that benefits us? God has told us to eat from Him and to worship Him only. How are we doing at this? How do you measure such a command in your life? What will it mean on judgment day to have failed at these commands? To have been successful at obeying these commands?

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