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Be Like Jesus In The Wilderness Not Adam In The Garden

“‘Look, the days are coming when everything in your palace and all that your predecessors have stored up until today will be carried off to Babylon; nothing will be left,’ says the Lord. ‘Some of your descendants — who come from you, whom you father — will be taken away, and they will become eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon.’” Then Hezekiah said to Isaiah, “The word of the Lord that you have spoken is good,” for he thought: There will be peace and security during my lifetime.” Isaiah 39:6-8 CSB


One of the most self-centered verses in Scripture, one of the most selfish thoughts recorded, is that of Hezekiah, who hears the prophecy about his children and grandchildren who will be made servants incapable of reproduction to foreign kings and says the word is good because the prophecy doesn’t affect him. The worst thinking of all is the thinking of only ourselves. Particularly, men are to think seriously and then train the next generation diligently. The church has lost its influence in society because its male leadership has acted like Adam in the garden instead of like Jesus in the wilderness. Passivity in obeying God’s commands has resulted in chaos in the culture and compromise in the church. Jesus defeated Satan by adhering to the word of God, reminding him of its truth and living in obedience to its commands. Jesus died as Savior of the world for us who were dead in our trespasses and sins yet to be born. The vision of Jesus was thousands of generations of disciples. The vision of Adam was the moment that would happen in the minutiae of eating, which seemed pleasurable to the eye and would be suitable for making him great like God. We need men of God who will raise men of God. This occurs by living, teaching, and requiring obedience to the word of God in ourselves and among our children, who are also equipped to train their children to walk in obedience to everything Jesus has commanded.


My book MAN Up! is a valuable tool for helping you define and implement biblical manhood into the next generation.

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