Imagine an angel, sent from the throne room of God, appearing to you and speaking these words, ‘you have found favor with the Lord.’
Every Christian should desire such an encounter for isn’t it the duty of every Christian to live a life pleasing to God?
Mary, the birth mother of God, heard these words from the angel of the Lord while still a young girl. How is it that God was pleased with her?
Mary identifies herself later in this chapter as a servant of God which is the fundamental explanation for the favoritism she received from God.
If we would find favor with God we too must be servants of the Lord.
This was the very work of Jesus Who also heard from the Father that He was pleasing in His sight. Jesus taught that He had come to serve rather than be served for as King of kings and Lord of lords He knew He would be served for all eternity by the people of God but in this world He would live as a servant and sacrifice for God.
The destiny of all Christians is eternal life with God in the Kingdom He will establish on the new earth. On this earth however His people are to live as servants giving away their lives so that others can come to know Jesus as Savior.
This is the work of the servants of God today: making known Jesus as Savior of the world to all the nations that they might understand, repent and obey God through Jesus Christ.
A servant of God does the will of God and the will of God is for all people to be saved.
This work is accomplished by God’s servant who commits their time, talent, and treasure to going into all nations leading people to faith and repentance in Jesus.