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Being Faithful Is Being Vigilant

“Because the Lord kept vigil that night to bring them out of Egypt, on this night all the Israelites are to keep vigil to honor the Lord for the generations to come.” Exodus 12:42 NIV


430 years to the day, Israel leaves Egypt in military formation, plundering them on their way out. What a sight that must have been. The Lord had fulfilled His promise to bring them to the Promised Land. The Lord had kept watch, and He was diligent in fulfilling His purpose for His people. When the time of their suffering had been completed, and the sins of the inhabitants of the Promised Land could no longer be repented, Israel was moved into their new home. Blood on their door frames from the sacrifice God prescribed kept His death angel from taking the firstborn of Israel on his way to Egypt to take the firstborn of the Egyptians, which would be the mechanism for Pharaoh to finally release his Hebrew slaves. Israel would never forget this night and was to forever remember this event by annually placing the blood of their sacrifice on their door frames to remind them of God’s deliverance of them from slavery to the Promised Land. When Jesus came, God Himself, to deliver all people from the bondage of slavery, by the sacrifice of His blood on a tree, commanded His people to watch and pray until He returned again to make the new earth His permanent home. Not annually, but always, the people of God are to watch and pray, vigilantly reminding themselves and others of God’s salvation through Jesus the Lord. Regularly, when God’s people meet, they would also remember God’s salvation through the breaking of the bread and the drinking of the cup of the New Covenant, God’s new, final, and forever means of working for, with, and through His people to establish them forever. God has always been faithful, vigilant, and diligent in establishing a people for His own to live with Him forever. Those who love Him respond to Him with faithfulness, vigilance, and diligence to worship Him and serve Him by leading others to Him until He returns again to bring to conclusion His work on this earth for our salvation and establish the new earth to enjoy forever the fruit of this work with those He has saved forever.

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