What does it mean to be ‘for’ something?
Is it like putting on the colors of our local sports team then wearing them to the game to cheer the players onto victory? Many would agree, making Sunday the time Christians go to the game to cheer on the single player whose performance determines their own value of the time spent watching.
God is not so easily pacified for God calls His people to work and not to passively cheer a few.
The failure of so many Christians to be ‘for’ God Monday through Saturday explains why our society is increasingly more godless and hostile to the ways of God. The failure of God’s people to be for His cause has turned the hearts of most against the ways of God the truth of which is daily displayed on our televisions.
To be for God is to be part of His work in bringing His Kingdom to earth as it is in heaven. In heaven God is acknowledged, loved and served as absolute King of all in complete obedience to His will.
Those who are truly for God will demonstrate the wisdom of God and the goodness of God by obeying His commands before people living self-absorbed lives who find them unsatisfying and futile.
Living for God is to help as many people on a daily basis see, hear and experience the love of God through the risen Jesus Who now lives by His Spirit in the hearts and minds of those who are truly on His team.
God has not rescued people from death to be cheerleaders but has empowered His people to be players in the game of life and death, heaven and hell, in order to win every person into His eternal Kingdom.