The destruction of Sodom by God occurred thousands of years before the Lord Jesus appeared to men and became the Savior of the world.
Yet He mentions the people of that place and time having a future meeting with God on that day when the Judge of all people will hold accountable each one for every word spoken and every deed done.
In comparing the judgment of Sodom to the judgment of those who lived when God dwelt with men, Jesus makes clear that the Righteous Judge will weigh His verdict more heavily upon the degree of revelation people had about Him. A modern comparison would be the people of the United States and their exposure to Christianity will be more severely judged than the bush tribesmen of Australia who have had little exposure to Christianity.
God will judge all people by the degree of revelation of God they have had in their lifetime.
All people have been exposed to God both through the creation and by their own conscience. These two witnesses of God’s reality are the minimum standard by which men will be measured.
Those who have heard of the love of God and the coming of God in Jesus will be judged more harshly for they have been exposed to the truth but have chosen to reject God in Jesus the Christ.
The purpose of sharing the gospel is not to incur greater guilt upon people but to reconcile people to the Father Who deeply loves them and longs to embrace them as His beloved children.
The gospel is to be proclaimed so that the love of God can be known.