While all of humanity is part of God’s creation His children are those who have been reconciled to Him through Jesus His Firstborn Son.
God has chosen some to know Him and to live in relationship with Him having opened their hearts and minds to His ways and His will. While God desires all to be saved only some have been chosen to walk with God.
The children of God were not selected based upon height, weight, color, intellect, talent or anything else men might consider good or noble. In fact, God’s selection is usually those who are considered of low value among humanity for He chooses to shame men by loving that which they despise.
What benefit is there for being a child of God?
The greatest benefit is having the person of God in our lives on a daily basis for comfort, encouragement and peace. In this world we will have trouble, even God in Jesus said as much, but with Him and by His strength we can endure the difficulties of men and the world.
Best of all the children of God will be living in the presence of God where there will be no more dying, no more sickness, no more pain and no more sorrow when Jesus returns and reorders the universe under His full command and control.
So then having the ability to call God Father is wonderful today but will be even better tomorrow.