But I want you to know that Christ is the head of every man, and the man is the head of the woman, and God is the head of Christ……If anyone wants to argue about this, we have no other custom, nor do the churches of God.” 1 Corinthians 11:3, 16 CSB https://bible.com/bible/1713/1co.11.3-16.CSB
Male leadership, maligned as patriarchy, is despised in our culture. Our churches have distanced themselves from training men to lead their homes and thus the Church and the community. Instead, we have embraced the culture’s values that today elevate women above men in knowledge, character, and leadership. Only men can blame themselves for this family tragedy. Men have been passive, allowing their wives to lead their homes because it was easier and they hoped would lead to greater favor by their wives, but it does not. Male leadership is Christ leadership. It is not power or authority in an oppressive manner but is authority given because of the love and service felt by those under authority. As Jesus loves us and demonstrated His love for us sacrificially and unconditionally, coming to serve and not be served, so too the husband is to lead by service, lead by sacrifice, lead by humility, lead by kindness, lead by constancy regardless of the willingness or excellence of his followers. Men must lead for the welfare of their souls, the welfare of their wives, and the welfare of their children. Leadership is initiative. It is taking the initiative to pray, give, serve, forgive, love, and draw near to God. Leadership is stepping forward and calling the family to follow God and obedience to His ways. Leadership is doing everything necessary to help everyone in the family know God and live according to His ways. Every man can and must take the initiative to lead his family on Sunday to Church and the rest of the week to the application of the teaching received in Church. Men are God’s chosen vessels for family leadership, and that leadership is to have the character of Christ with the initiative of God, Who loved sinners and so came into the world to save us while we were still dead in our trespasses and sins.
My book MAN Up! A guide to restoring Biblical manhood, is an excellent resource for helping men become the leaders of their homes.