Christian parenting has become the same as pagan parenting making indistinguishable the children of Christians from the children of pagans. The Christian parent should be different because they are to raise children to know and obey God.
Obedience to God is learned from the practice of obeying parents. Children who fail to honor their parents will fail to honor God.
Woe to those parents who raise children to disobey God, causing them to stumble, it would be better for them to drown in the ocean than to raise such children!
Christian parents have bought into the psychological and sociological pathology of parenting preached so earnestly on talk television rather than reading, studying and applying Biblical truth to the upbringing of their children.
Children are to obey their parents, honoring them in all ways so that when they are older they will obey God and honor Him always.
Children learn to obey as they are disciplined by their parents using the rod of correction on their behinds in a way that causes them to no longer desire disobedience. The rod of correction is to be brought with the words of understanding for the correction so that children learn from their disobedience.
Angry abuse of children is never acceptable but neither is sparing the rod for it results in spoiled children of which we have plenty in the church. Most parents cannot imagine having more than a couple of children because the children they have are such a nuisance that more of them would become too burdensome.
Children are a blessing from the Lord, are to be raised to be holy and godly and should be a blessing even to their parents.
When children are raised according to Biblical truth they are indeed a blessing and the more we have the greater the blessing to ourselves and to the world.