“But thanks be to God, who always leads us in Christ’s triumphal procession and through us spreads the aroma of the knowledge of him in every place. For to God we are the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing. To some we are an aroma of death leading to death, but to others, an aroma of life leading to life. Who is adequate for these things?” 2 Corinthians 2:14-16 CSB https://bible.com/bible/1713/2co.2.14-16.CSB
Paul’s imagery is of a captive being paraded through town by the king, showing the glory of his success as a warrior. The captives demonstrate his success at defeating his enemy and capturing their people to make them his own servants and subjects. This is who we are if we will embrace our calling as Christians. Purchased by His blood to be reconciled to God as children but also loyal subjects no longer demonstrating the insubordination and defiance of our ancestors through Adam. Like Jesus, we are to be servants on this earth, demonstrating captivity to the person of Jesus by doing the will of God without concern for the cost to self. As Jesus came not to be served but to serve and to give His life, His people lay down their lives in service to God’s will, engaging in God’s work for the glory of God. His will is that no one should perish, but all come to everlasting life. For this to occur, we must sacrifice our pursuit of selfish pleasures and self-centered gain to focus on other people to serve them, love them, and share with them the love of God in Jesus the Savior until all people submit themselves voluntarily to His rule. We smell like death to self among those who are also captives to Christ and life forever to those who are dead but need hope for eternity. If we are truly in Christ, we must see ourselves as captives to Christ, His humble servants, who demonstrate His great love and acceptance of His great sacrifice. Is this the image people have of us as His children?