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Christians MUST Identify With Jesus

Still, nobody was talking publicly about him for fear of the Jews.”
John 7:13 CSB

The hostility against Christianity grows in this country. Fear grips too many Christians, making them complicit with the enemies’ intention of silencing the voice of truth in our nation. This must not be so. Proverbs proclaim that the righteous are as bold as a lion (Proverbs 28.1), and God in Jesus warns that those who deny Him on earth will be denied entrance into heaven. Christians must band together and become more intentional in identifying themselves with Jesus. Christians should all wear some symbol of faith on their bodies as often as possible to make it obvious they belong to Jesus. This will encourage other Christians, open conversations with seekers of God, and possibly bring persecution from haters of God, which when we suffer for the Name of Jesus, we 10x our eternal reward for Jesus too suffered at the hands of men. Christians must join together, for there is encouragement and strength in numbers. It is the isolation that the enemy of God uses to create fear and causes us to become weak amid our trials. We should not be obnoxious or rude when identifying with Jesus. Our conduct should be full of humility, service, kindness, and love yet unequivocal in advocating for and standing in the ways of God as recorded in His word. Without Jesus no one can be saved from the wrath to come. The Christian mission is the Great Commission, the seeking and saving of the lost, then discipling them into obedience to everything Jesus commanded even as we are doing.

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